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Why It’s Important to Have a Solid Business Strategy
Every business has a strategy, but what exactly is a strategy? We hear the word strategy thrown around a lot. It’s an important word, but

A guide to successful Startup management
A startup is an exciting, risky, and innovative venture that requires a lot of attention and care in order to grow and succeed in the

Memorable speeches from African business leaders
Depending on the industry you’re in you might be familiar with some of these speeches already. However, there is no doubt that these three speeches

Latest Episodes

Building Timeless Personal Brands with Victoria Nyanzi
In this 40th episode of the WowFactor Podcast, I feature Victoria Nyanzi. She joins the WowFactor discussion on the Season 4 Finale episode to dive deeper

Building A Successful Ride-Hailing Business with Dut Majak
In this 37th episode of the WowFactor Podcast, I feature Dut Majak. He joins the WowFactor discussion to dive deeper into Building A Successful Ride-Hailing Business.

Managing Effective Entrepreneurial Communities with Immy Julie Nakyeyune
In this 33rd episode of the WowFactor Podcast, Samuel features Immy Julie Nakyeyune. She joins the WowFactor discussion to dive deeper into Managing Effective Entrepreneurial Communities.
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How to maintain your creativity
Everyone needs to create and be inspired, activators, reflectors and converters. Creators don’t need permission to create or an audience. Creativity is a muscle that

My WordPress Plugins Kit
When I first began designing websites, they were set up through Dreamweaver, which was like jigsawing pieces of a puzzle together. As the years progressed,

How to set up an effective process
One of the most enjoyable aspects of operating your own business is you can build your own business process to suit it. As any business