Jaza Energy

Jaza Energy
Founded by : Jeff Schnurr , Sebastian Manchester
Launch / Founded : 2015
Industries : Energy
Founded in : Tanzania
Operating in : Tanzania
Region : East Africa

Introduction / Background

Jaza Energy is an energy company that focuses on building solar energy charging stations in off-grid communities, Additionally, They are building a network of renewable energy hubs in communities beyond the electrical grid.

A single hub provides affordable and reliable access to electricity for hundreds of households so that’s bye bye to burning kerosene at home & no more travel to charge your phone.

Jaza Energy are problem solvers, world shapers and growth minded innovators. Jaza’s talent comes from around the planet to deliver on their promise of clean and renewable power. They have created a culture based on radical honesty, transparency and a beginner’s mindset.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is extracted from the brand’s website. If you would like to update or remove this profile, feel free to get in touch with us.

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