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How to maintain your creativity
Everyone needs to create and be inspired, activators, reflectors and converters. Creators don’t need permission to create or an audience. Creativity is a muscle that

My WordPress Plugins Kit
When I first began designing websites, they were set up through Dreamweaver, which was like jigsawing pieces of a puzzle together. As the years progressed,

How to set up an effective process
One of the most enjoyable aspects of operating your own business is you can build your own business process to suit it. As any business

Effective Social Media Tips
There are essential elements to having a great social media presence. One must be very intentional about how they make their presence known; we can’t

How to become an Impactful Leader in Crises
Crises are like bananas, they are often yellow with a peel on the outside to protect their insides. Crises have the ability to teach or